Update Central Command
1/8/00: Looky, another update! I haven't finished Chapter Two of The More Things Change just yet, but I did get a couple of little things done! I've just added a new poem and some lyrics to one of the songs that goes along with <--that story in Zukani's Fanfic Zone. Both have little pics to go along with them (which I may or may not add to Vege-chan's Gallery, I haven't decided that part just yet ^_^), which is why it took me a few hours to get the files looking just the way I wanted them to. Now, if I could only get my little hands on a scanner, I could upload my own artwork and really personalize this place!!
1/5/00: Welcome to the new millenium! Guess who got finished another section of her epic fic this evening? I had the time to finish it up today (what with my little sis waiting for a phone call from her college all day long, there wasn't much else to distract me ^_^), so you can find Interlude One (titled Trust) in Zukani's Fanfic Zone. Or, just click here ^_^
12/31/99: The last update of the Twentieth Century (unless you're a purist and won't consider it a new century until 2001...). I decided to put two new images in Veggie's Gallery--the colorized Juu-kun pic and the altered Zu-chan pic--but other than that, nuthin' new. Chapter Two of The More Things Change will be coming along shortly, but first I'll be posting an interlude (titled Trust) that really isn't necessary in the course of the action, but it will help you understand things a little later in the story ^_^
12/29/99: Not a lot to mention today, but I did add a little something to this site. If you go to the contents (i.e. stuff I have so far ^_^), you'll notice that I added a section that lists the Japanese terms and their (loose) translations. I've been planning on adding it, but was too lazy to do it until my buddy Scottie mentioned it a few days ago.
12/27/99: Yatta! I finally got Chapter One of my newest (and more likely than not, longest) epic/fic The More Things Change online! I made up a main page just for this story alone--Chapter One would take up at least ten pages if it was printed out, and I still have at the very least eight chapters to go on it! If you want to check out my latest work, click on the link back thataway <-- or just pop into Zukani's Fanfic Zone and hit T.M.T.C. from there. Oh, and I made up a little banner for it too ^_^ I never could have done it without that little piccy I snagged from Jengou's place, [begin shameless plug] so go visit her shrine to Juunana-gou, it just so ROCKS!! [end shameless plug] (use the links page to get there fast)
12/19/99: Guess what? Since I haven't messed around with my banners in, like, forever, I decided to update those puppies. So if you drop by the Banner Factory, you'll notice that I not only added one new (static) banner to the fold, I've also updated all the older banners to reflect the name change. I also got around to adding two new links: Dragonball Z Vegeta-Style and Madhouse! Go visit them, and sign those guestbooks so they know you've been there!
12/18/99: Konnichiwa! If you happened to notice some changes on my main page, don't worry, you aren't losing your sanity ^_^ I finally got around to creating a logo for my page! (If you were here earlier and saw either the red or fuschia "Dimension X", I decided to go with the sky blue--it's prettier ^_^!) Also, I put up a new banner that you can use to link to the page. Yes, it's animated, and a bit fast, but just thank Dende I didn't choose to make it supafast--that's the medium setting!!! As for my fics, The More Things Change, my upcoming epic, is coming along nicely. Chapter One should be ready to post by the end of the Christmas holiday (i.e. while I'm recovering from the lunacy that is Wal*Mart), and Chapter Two (set five years after Zukani's arrival) will follow shortly.
12/15/99: Not a whole lot to mention today, but I did add a new short fic! Click here to take a peek at my latest little tidbit. Actually, I was planning on putting this one up at the same time as my upcoming story The More Things Change, but that has managed to evolve from a short work of fanfiction into another mini-epic. Hopefully I'll be able to partially post that story sometime after the holidays ^_~
12/12/99: I mentioned it yesterday, and I posted it today. Chapter Four of my mini-epic Time's Orphan is now online, along with the epilogue (for the curious, the titles are All I Wish For and Maybe I'll Find Some Peace Tonight) The entire epic and the short Without You are available in Zukani's Fanfic Zone ^_^
12/11/99: Whew! It's been a long week, but I'm finally ready to post the final installment of Time's Orphan!! However, before I post the final chapter, I've put up one of the few short stories that popped out of my head to go along with the mini-epic. This particular short is titled Without You, and contains some major spoilers for Chapter Four itself. Click that link to read the story now, or you can wait a few days for me to post Chapter Four online before taking a peek ^_^ There will be more DBZ:DX works in the future, so consider yourself warned!
12/9/99: Guess what? With a little encouragement (i.e. both Zuka and Veggy told me do it or else and I didn't want to find out what 'or else' meant--I mean, I still have my whole life ahead of me and all...), I finally got around to updating my links section and my--I mean, Vegeta's Image Gallery. There are two new links (complete with nifty banners ^_^) and four new images to gaze upon in wonderment. In other words, check out my new kewl stuff!
12/4/99: Yatta! I'm a little ahead of schedule! Even though I haven't added my new links or put up my newest images just yet, I have managed to knock off Chapter Three of Time's Orphan during this past week! It's now online in the fiction section, or just click here to read it. This one wasn't nearly as long as the previous chapter, but I did finally get around to describing the Andromedans in this one. Stay tuned for Chapter Four--that's when the action's really gonna heat up! I will also be adding a DBZ short, set in this alternate dimension, that is a bit of a teaser for the events in Chapter Four. I won't go spoiling any surprises, scout's honor! ^_^
11/30/99: Yosh'! My little web site is now a little over a month old! And, to celebrate, I've put up Chapter Two of Time's Orphan [quick warning: this is a l-o-o-o-o-n-g chapter, split into three seperate sections; each part is linked to the next, so if you read it remember to read all the sections]. I've also got a couple of new pictures for Vegeta's Image Gallery (he's not gonna be too happy about one of the pics I'm putting up, but I have the feeling that Zukani isn't going to mind at all!) that I will hopefully get put up this weekend.
11/22/99: Remember how I said yesterday that Chapter One of Time's Orphan would be online by the end of the week? Well, it is online as of 1 o'clock this morning! See what happens when you have insomnia, a computer, and just a bit too much time on your hands? Click here to read Chapter One, and let me know what you think!
11/21/99: Not much to mention today, just one little miniscule update and I'm outta here for the night. I've just put up the character guide for my work-in-progress Time's Orphan (you can link to it from here, or click on the Character Guide link posted on the main page and in the fic section). The story is moving along nicely, and I hope to get the first chapter posted online by the end of next week.
11/19/99: Hey, all! I haven't really updated too much today, just messed around with the background colors a bit in some places and added two new links to my page. They lead to Vejiitasei Ascendant and West Capital City. Yeah, I know what you're thinking: "They're Vegeta pages, aren't they?" You people know me all too well!!
11/16/99: Just a couple little updates, and then I'm outta here for the day! Update One: I've changed the name of my fanfiction page from Amiko-Chan's Library to Zukani's Fanfic Zone. I am willing to host the fics of anyone who would like to help my little page grow a bit. Just send your fics to me at femme_chan@hotmail.com and I will post your works! Update Two: The prologue to my first DBZ fic is up! It's an alternate universe epic called Time's Orphan, and introduces a new character to the DBZ universe. So go check out my work-in-progress!
11/10/99: Just a couple little things I worked on today. I snuck another picture into the gallery :-) as well as messing around with my font colors and putting up another banner (check out The Banner Factory if you wanna check it out). My fic is coming along... slowly. Hopefully I'll have some more stuff up and running soon.
11/9/99, 11:00 p.m.: Finally! I've finally gotten around to setting up my image gallery, containing all the pics that I've gathered from the web--so far. The gallery is also a growing part of this site, much like my Dragonball Links page. Also, I'm trying to come up with a new name for my homepage. I am open to any suggestions, just send 'em to me at femme_chan@hotmail.com.
11/9/99: Not a lot of new stuff has gone up today (but it would have been done a lot sooner if my file manager had been cooperating with me yesterday!!). I've added three new links to Dragonball Links and changed the name of this particular page. I've also begun work on a DBZ fic that I should (hopefully) have at least one chapter ready to post within the next week or so. And I've got some kool new BG .gifs and pics to put up on my page--looks like I may actually get my Vegeta shrine finished up afterall!!
11/3/99: Hey, all! Not too much new stuff here today, but I did want to let you know 'bout them. I've added a new link to Dragonball Links, and I've also put up a section with some of the banners I've designed for this page. Feel free to use any of them that you like, just make sure you give me some credit for them! Please? :-)
11/1/99: Woohoo! I've got my own place now! Yep, as you could tell, I've moved all the DBZ contents from The MiSTic Domain to this new locale, Femme-Chan.tripod.com! Now I can really get to work on this site!
10/31/99: Well, I've got a few more links operational on my Dragonball Links page, along with a few pics I've grabbed (and at least one that's been sent to me by my buddy the Skiing Scotsman [thanks, man!] ), which I will eventually put up in a gallery-type setting. Oh, and also on the links page is my new banner, feel free to grab it and use it if you link to this page. Now it's after midnight and DBZ is on Cartoon Network, so that's where I'm headin' now. Later, all!
10/29/99: Halloween is fast approaching, so I've decided to give y'all a little treat :-) My brand new Dragonball Links Page is up and running (click here for a direct link to my new section), so you can see some of the sites that I really think are kool. Fair warning, though: Most of 'em are fanfic pages, although I do have at least one full site listed there. Oh, and I'm thinking about adding a guestbook just for this section. Let me know what you think of that idea, won't you?
10/26/99: Hi! It's me again, with an update (albeit a little one, but still!) to the DBZ section of my website. I've built another board on InsideTheWeb (this makes two, the other board is my MST3K message board), located at http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb830611. Stop by and just say "hey!", or post your crazy ideas or suggestions to help me improve my page :-)
10/24/99: Welcome! My name is Femme-Chan (some of you may know me as FemmeCrow or MSTia3K as well), and this is my first attempt at a Dragonball Z page. So far, you can see all that I have for the moment (like the backgrounds? I've borrowed 'em from everywhere!), but I hope to find some more stuff very, very soon. Currently, I'm looking for mo' pictures, a bit of fanfiction, links to other DBZ (or other Anime/Manga) sites, and generally Vegeta stuff (c'mon, you didn't think I'd forget to mention him at least one more time, did you?). If you have anything to contribute, send it to me at femme_chan@hotmail.com and I'll be honored to include you on my (hopefully) growing website! Bye for now, and I'll have some updates soon!
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