Time's Orphan Character Guide
Welcome to my character guide for my alternate universe DBZ fanfic Time's Orphan. I've created about five new characters who never existed in the mainstream DB universe, and have decided to use this space to tell all you wonderful people a little bit about each character. PLEASE NOTE: There is a lot more information on Zukani here than on any of the other characters. I'm still working on developing those characters (including descriptions), and will update here once I get a clear idea of each one's overall appearance.
Zukani: A young half-Saiyan from an alternate universe. She is on the petite side, somewhere between the ages of 16 and 17, with shoulder-length blue-black hair and deep, dark brown eyes. In the universe where she was born, her mother died when she was still very young, so her father raised her almost entirely on his own (although her "uncle" and "aunt" helped out a lot during her early years of life). Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, the Andromedans, a ruthless warrior race, invaded Chikyuu and killed nearly all of the people she knew. With only her father, her uncle, some cyborgs, and herself remaining, Zukani began working on a trans-dimensional time machine. This would either (a) allow them to seek assistance from their counterparts in an alternate dimension or (b) provide Zukani with a means of escape should everyone perish in battle with the Andromedans. With the death of her uncle, Zukani's father ordered her to use the trans-dimensional time machine to get to safety. For the only time in her life, Zukani defied her father, forcing the cyborgs to knock her out and put her in the time machine. Once in the (pretty-much) mainstream Dragonball dimension, Zukani finds herself surrounded by strangers with familiar faces....
Kenchi: A member of the Andromedan forces that invaded - and annihilated - Zukani's dimension. Although young (24), he is the commander of the Andromeda Elite, the highest ki-level fighters the Andromedan Empire has under their control. He is the Andromedan who killed Zukani's uncle and father.
Arana: A member of the Andromeda Elite, she is only about 19 years of age. Although the youngest of the squadron, she is a formidable fighter. She has killed time and again, taking pride in her "art". Arana is in charge of programming the trans-dimensional portal that allows the Andromedan Empire to jump from one dimension to the next. She hates the fact that Zukani managed to escape from the purge of Chikyuu in one dimension, and plans to see to it personally that she doesn't escape again.
Mikari: Another member of the Andromeda Elite, this fighter is around the age of 28. He doesn't like taking orders from Kenchi, but will never question his leader's authority. Mikari hopes to take down all or most of the Z Fighters on his own to prove his ability to take command of the squadron. And if that plan fails, he has no qualms about taking Kenchi himself down....
Xiram: The only non-Andromedan member of the Elite, and a mystery within himself. He is not much older than Zukani, probably around 18 years old himself. He bears a rather strong resemblance to Zarbon (AUTHOR'S NOTE: Zarbon survived his battle with Vegeta in Zuka-chan's timeline and eventually settled down on Chikyuu), a fact that has not escaped notice by the Andromedans. He didn't join the Andromeda Elite until they invaded his and Zukani's dimension, and helped wipe out Chikyuu. However, Xiram has begun to question his motives for joining the Andromedans, and this is only heightened by the fact that he had the opportunity to kill Zukani once before... and let her escape.
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